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The Scioto County Young Republicans Take On The Portsmouth Hedges

By Audrey Stratton | Local Happenings

Along Route 52 by the viaduct are the “Portsmouth” Hedges. Over time the hedges become overgrown and nature washes away all landscaping. 

After talking to Mayor Kevin Johnson about the different areas that needed attention in Portsmouth, the Scioto County Young Republicans (SCYR) took it upon themselves to clean up the hedges. 

The site was Troop 12 Eagle Scout, Andy Bazler’s 2012 service project. They were thrilled to be able to help him with the upkeep this year.

Collin Finn is the Chair of the SCYR. We talked to him about the project and what it meant to his group to take on this project.

He told us that, “We wanted to show how much we actually care about the community. Politics can seem like it’s only about talking and arguing. We wanted to prove that our conservative vision isn’t just talk- it’s action. In doing this, we decided to pick a visible project that people could see and appreciate. I couldn’t be happier with the way this project turned out” Finn said. “The Republican Party truly wants to Make America Great Again, and we aren’t afraid to get our hands dirty to prove it.”

They had sixteen volunteers and Coleman’s Landscaping provided the mulch. They were accompanied by the Scioto County Commissioners: Bryan Davis, Cathy Coleman, and Mike Crabtree. 

Chairman Finn thanked the commissioners, saying that their leadership was on full display. “The Scioto County Commissioners were a key part of this project,” Finn said. “It was an honor to have them take the time out of their busy schedules to be with us. 

We are thankful for the hard work of Mike Crabree, Cathy Coleman, and Bryan Davis.” Together, they cut grass, weedeated, picked up trash, spread mulch, and planted flowers. Their most memorable project of the day was the raising of the flag by two of their veteran volunteers. 

The Scioto County Young Republicans were founded just this January. Their primary focus is to bring young people into the conservative movement. They achieve this through political volunteerism, community service, and social outings. 

They have and always will uphold the values of the Ohio Republican Party and the Social County Republican Party. In the future, they plan to hold monthly social events, continue to be active in political events and the service projects of other organizations.

Check them out on social media!

Facebook: @SciotoYRs

Twitter: @sciotoyrs


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