By Audrey Stratton | Local Happenings

Have you ever wondered what that big white building became on Chillicothe Street? Usually you will see a professionally dressed man walking in with a cup of coffee from The Lofts and a big notepad in his hand. But what is he actually doing?
The Shawnee State University Kricker Innovation Hub is undergoing a nearly $4 million renovation. Upon completion, it will offer business incubation space, coworking space, a technology makerspace, and offer business assistance to the community.
The building that they are occupying has been an essential part of our community. Being built in the late 1890’s, it was a flagship store for a clothing manufacturer.
This tells me that this building was meant for bringing new economic development, and has been doing so for over 100 years!
David Kilroy is one of the great minds behind the Hub. He started working for the project back in 2017. He believes that we need entrepreneurship to create new and well-paying jobs in our community.
Recently, the Hub partnered with the Center on Rural Innovation to bring three free foundational online courses to our community in Digital Marketing, Front-end Development, and Business Analytics.
These courses are self paced, but must be completed in four weeks after starting. To read more visit,

Since COVID is still very prevalent in our world, I talked with David about how this pandemic has affected his day-to-day operations.
This fall, everything will be offered virtually.
David Kilroy, and the Kricker Innovation Hub, have been a major support system for us here at Local Happenings.
We definitely wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for David’s help.
If you are an entrepreneur, or wanting to start your own business, we highly recommend you to check them out. They are a resource to our entire community and will welcome you with open arms.
Coming up they have an exciting event called, "The Future of Craft Beer in Southeastern Ohio". This event is inviting all regional craft brewers to join and talk about their innovative brewing techniques, adaptation to COVID-19, and the outlook for the regional industry going forward. For more information, check out their Facebook page.
Check them out!
Facebook: @ssuinnovation
Instagram: @ssuinnovation
